Sam Miller-McDonald explores themes of greed and mortality through poetry imbued with imagery that evokes essences and scenes of the natural world.
Other Creatures: A Poetic Tribute
Have you ever been asked, “If you could be any animal in the world, which animal would you be?” This is a tribute to all…
Articles and Prose
2022 Print Edition
CULTIVATION Cultivation: the act of caring for living things of all kinds.Cultivation: tilling, tending to, and turning pieces of the world over and over in…
The Apple Orchard
When we moved back to Michigan, we bought an old farmhouse on five acres. I was still married then, with three young daughters and soon…
The Quiet Season
The days are short and cold, and it snowed last Sunday. The tree canopies, now brown, have thinned. The birds have begun migrating southwards —…
The Felled and the Fallen
Ring in two by twos,Twinning from the same root. Count the yearsOh! The years —You can only see themWhen they’re sliced in two.Cut down, dismembered,See…
The Cow in the Room
People often avoid the elephant in the room, but it’s time we talk about the cow in the room. She is a ruminant, after all,…
Beyond This Room
Sure Thing It is that with which the wind blows And the snowflakes carry from the skies The mountains echo in their deep crevasses The…
Gathering Chips
One of my favorite photographs hangs in my bathroom. At its center is a wheelbarrow, with wooden handles, braces, and legs. The ten-spoke wheel is…
This summer I walked behind John in the woods. I followed him as he followed the trail. “Flies are getting bad,” he’d grumble, reaching for…
In town
I followed my mother down a winding forest path. The trail head peaks through the trees that line the softball field down the street from…