
Ecosystems, Forests, Human Landscape, Indigenous Peoples

Perspectives from the People’s Land: First Nations, Forestry, and Ferocious Flies

Have you ever been in northern Quebec in bug season? Black flies, horse flies, deer flies, moose flies, then a fifteen minute “bug window” – usually just before dusk, during the changing of the guard – followed by mosquitoes and no-see-ums.  I’ve spent my summers in northern Quebec canoeing and portaging, splitting firewood and scouting rapids, and the bugs have […]

Actions, Conservation, Ecosystems, Energy, Fisheries, Human Landscape, Oceans

An Unsettling Experiment: Dispersants in the Gulf

On April 20th, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, kicking off a long summer of videos of crude gushing into the sea. Two years later, the offshore oil business is booming, and conventional wisdom has it that the Gulf has fully recovered from the disaster. Not so fast, says Sandy Aylesworth, in an in-depth investigative report.

Activism, Ecosystems, Oceans

OP-ED: European Union Must Strengthen Laws for Shipwreck Cleanup

Adele Faure and Anthony Moffa are J.D. candidates at Yale Law School, and Sandy Aylesworth and Ben Goldfarb are Master’s candidates at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. As part of Yale’s Environmental Protection Clinic, the students are partnering with Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation to compel the removal of the Sea Diamond wreck. This month they will […]

At Yale, Ecosystems, Forests

Systems in Progress: A Summary of This Year’s International Society of Tropical Foresters Annual Conference

Every year the International Society of Tropical Foresters convenes a conference of members, scientists and tropical foresters at Yale University to discuss trends and issues in the management of the world’s tropical forests. This short summarizes the 2012 conference, which took place earlier this year at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.   e are well past the […]