
Agriculture, Place

Stacking Wood

Stacking Wood

This piece was originally written as part of a larger poetry and prose project that explored the author’s relationship with his family’s farm in Tennessee. Over a month-long span, he reflected daily on the lessons that the place and its

by × March 14, 2021 × 0 comments

Fracking, Place

Boom: Fossil Fuel Collisions

Fracking | Accident 

The driver of the frackwater truck swerved because there was a little girl walking along the highway. She was walking eastward early that morning, not precisely on the shoulder, swerving in and out of the edge line the way …

by × June 5, 2020 × 0 comments

Activism, Place, Waste Management

Beyond the Landfill

Beyond the Landfill

Every day, roughly 8,000 tonnes of rubbish are collected from the capital city of Jakarta before ending up at Bantar Gebang, the largest landfill in Southeast Asia. Just two decades ago, the area was covered with paddy fields before it was bought by the state and later converted into a landfill. Being in Bantar Gebang for the first time, I wasn’t …

by × May 29, 2020 × 1 comment

Animals, Out West, Place

Rehabbing Rain

Rehabbing Rain

In the Shade of the Cottonwood Tree

            I was born and raised in the desert. Like most desert plants and animals, I love rain. I live for rain. I live because of rain. Rain heals me, as it heals and …

by × May 21, 2020 × 2 comments

Climate, Culture

No More Eternity in an Hour: Gardening, Time and the Climate Crisis

No More Eternity in an Hour: Gardening, Time and the Climate Crisis

The dandelion’s rival grows tall, an iceberg in the border; its taproot matches the height of its spike of purple flower, each petal a new way to tell time. The group of lupins emerges every year in April – straggly, …

by × February 15, 2020 × 0 comments

Climate, Place, Poetry

Winter Waning

Winter Waning

Despite a warming climate, "there is still beauty even in this changing season."
by × February 12, 2019 × 1 comment