Articles by: Noah Sokol


Nature Compensates

Nature Compensates

SAGE Magazine sits down with Peter Kareiva, Chief Scientist of The Nature Conservancy, to discuss why he see nature as resilient, not fragile. Photo by Kike Calvo.
by × November 7, 2013 × 2 comments

Culture, Uncategorized

Eriel Daranger, one of ELEMENTAL's three very human subjects, during the Tar Sands Healing Walk.

A Very Human Struggle: The Making of a Different Kind of Documentary

Noah Sokol sits down with one of the co-directors of the new documentary ELEMENTAL, which screened recently at the Environmental Film Festival at Yale. They get to talking about capturing the human side of activism, and the personal toll commitment to a cause can exact.
by × April 23, 2013 × 0 comments


Debating the Issues, Glasses in Hand

Debating the Issues, Glasses in Hand

Was that a Solyndra reference?! Glasses up, people. Live on the scene at the Presidential Debate Drinking Game.
by × October 10, 2012 × 0 comments