Land grabbing is emerging as one of the great international social and environmental problems of our time. Journalist Fred Pearce and anthropologist Jennifer Baka let us know what it’s all about.
Recent Articles
Debating the Issues, Glasses in Hand
Was that a Solyndra reference?! Glasses up, people. Live on the scene at the Presidential Debate Drinking Game.
Wild Things, They Make His Heart Sing
Jamie Williams, president of the Wilderness Society, talks to Sage about preserving large landscapes, working with stakeholders, and staying persistent in the face of conservation challenges.
A Boulder Vision for Kroon Hall
A professor’s plan to turn the outside of FES into a haven for plant-lovers and climbers alike.
Presence in Absence: The Lengths We Go to Leave No Trace
While restoring an old ranch site in Idaho’s Selway-Bitteroot to wild land, forester Shane Hetzler ponders what we are talking about when we are talking about wilderness.
Knowing the Risks
Sage Magazine’s Caitlin Feehan interviews environmental economist Sheila Olmstead to get the skinny on regulations, water quality, and the future of fracking.
Into the Lion’s Den
What’s the former president of an oil company doing at an environmental school? Getting his point across, and maybe changing a few minds along the way.
TAKE OUR POLL: Attitudes Toward Fracking
In an effort to gauge interest and knowledge, Sage Magazine has created a brief poll about public attitudes toward hydraulic fracturing –– frackitudes, if you will.
Op-Ed: Uncertainty Looms Over Fracking Debate
While the recent panel discussion “Hydraulic Fracturing: Bridge to a Clean Energy Future?” fell far short of answering its title question, the conversation did reveal one essential truth about the state of this extraction method: uncertainties abound.
Gas Puzzler
What happens when an economist, a hydrologist, an activist, and a CEO sit down to talk about the country’s most controversial form of energy extraction?
The Frontlines of Fracking
How do Pennsylvanians feel about the hydraulic fracturing happening literally in their backyards?
Solutions From the Gas Fields
For better or worse, hydraulic fracturing wells are springing up across the country, with uncertain social and environmental effects. Here’s how one researcher thinks we can make fracking safer.