
Climate, Poetry

Carbon Footprints of Unwanted Children

I can’t put my finger on it, when did itchange? I would ride my bike miles fromhome, even at night and in rain. No oneworried, I would just roam. It ended, maybe,with a spoonful of cereal and a half gallon offear, the milk carton asking, feral and wild:“Have you, have you, seen this child?” When did having children become animposition? […]

Agriculture, Climate

The Cow in the Room

People often avoid the elephant in the room, but it’s time we talk about the cow in the room. She is a ruminant, after all, and can no longer be ignored. Indeed, the room is getting increasingly crowded and stinky. Let’s ruminate together and use our cowmon sense, so we can replace ignorance and crisis with science and solutions.  It’s […]


A Model for Change

Before UN delegates arrived in Warsaw for the latest round of climate negotiations, students from 8 universities gathered at Yale to come up with their own climate solutions.