Tag: hits

Actions, Conservation, Ecosystems, Energy, Fisheries, Human Landscape, Oceans

An Unsettling Experiment: Dispersants in the Gulf

On April 20th, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, kicking off a long summer of videos of crude gushing into the sea. Two years later, the offshore oil business is booming, and conventional wisdom has it that the Gulf has fully recovered from the disaster. Not so fast, says Sandy Aylesworth, in an in-depth investigative report.

At Yale, Culture

Evolutionary War Hero: An Interview with Carl Zimmer

Nearly 40% of Americans don’t believe in evolution, and acknowledgment of anthropogenic climate change is equally spotty. Acclaimed author Carl Zimmer spoke with Sage about how science communicators can begin to reach creationists and climate deniers, why Einstein makes for a great magazine cover, and what to do when your work gets slandered on the Daily Show.