

Yale College Panel Discussion on the Meaning of OWS – 10/25

Sorry for the late notice, but there will be a formal panel discussion on #Occupy at 7pm tonight here on the Yale campus – non-students also welcome.

More information to come following the event…

Details from the facebook event

by × October 25, 2011 × 0 comments


Building a New Ship: On-the-Ground Perspective from OWS NYC

The following is excerpted from a group email sent by a friend on the ground who is involved with the Education and Empowerment Working Group at OWS, among other things.

Alejandro speaks very well to ways in which the …

by × October 25, 2011 × 0 comments


Animal Fashion News

Animal Fashion News

Following the oil spill, New Zealand calls for knitted penguin sweaters. Meanwhile, Brooklyn DIY-ers are using 3D printers to solve a global hermit crab housing (crabitat) crisis.…

by × October 25, 2011 × 0 comments


From Yale Daily News: Contrasting Opinions on Occupy New Haven

The Yale Daily News has been covering the Occupy New Haven movement in the past week or so… illustrating that #Occupy Movement is very much still a contentious issue here on the Yale campus.

1. The YDN initiation

by × October 23, 2011 × 0 comments


The Whale Hunt

The Whale Hunt

Photographer Jonathan Harris charts a traditional Inupiat Eskimo whale hunt.  One community, two bowhead whales, 3,214 incredible photographs. See the full story or highlights.




by × October 23, 2011 × 0 comments


The World’s Craziet Bike Racks

The World’s Craziet Bike Racks

In which The Atlantic Cities looks into the problem of bike storage in booming urban centers.…

by × October 22, 2011 × 0 comments