
Activism, At Yale, Politics

Local 33 members and other students testifying against the Northern Pass project at the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee hearings. (PHOTO CREDIT: Liz Wyman)

Protecting Our Landscapes in an Era of Corporate Control

Yale alumna, Liz Wyman, speaks out against the controversial Northern Pass project - and her alma mater's decision to lease land enabling its completion.
by × January 28, 2018 × 0 comments

Archaeology, Conservation, Culture

The Gunnison Valley at sunset, with Tenderfoot Mountain nestled in the background. (PHOTO CREDIT: Jack Lucido, Western State Colorado University)

Folsom Folks: Reconstructing Human History in Colorado’s Gunnison Basin

An archaeological site on Tenderfoot Mountain sets the stage for a story about exploration and human history.
by × January 23, 2018 × 7 comments

Activism, Conservation, Poetry



Sam Miller-McDonald explores themes of greed and mortality through poetry imbued with imagery that evokes essences and scenes of the natural world.
by × January 16, 2018 × 1 comment

Agriculture, Climate, Photo Essay

Farmers Adapt to a Changing Climate in Burkina Faso

Farmers Adapt to a Changing Climate in Burkina Faso

A photojournalist captures the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Burkina Faso, and the innovative solutions these communities have responded with in adjusting to a new climate reality.
by × January 9, 2018 × 1 comment

Climate, Conservation, Ecosystems

A view of Nagar Valley. (PHOTO CREDIT: Maha Qasim)

Climate Change in Northern Pakistan: A Family Journey

The stunning views at every turn along the undulating road from Islamabad to Naran set the scene for a climate change journey through the communities of Northern Pakistan.  
by × January 9, 2018 × 0 comments

Activism, Indigenous Peoples, Print Edition

The youth of Sacred Stone actively participate in council meetings and often stand on the frontlines as the first line of peaceful defense against the militarized forces of DAPL.

The Center of the World

The protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline brought the attention of the world crashing down on the banks of the Missouri River. If justice must exist in place, what does it look like?
by × October 7, 2017 × 0 comments