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2018 Print Edition

2018 Print Edition: Degrees of Separation

2018 Print Edition: Degrees of Separation

Collective Resilience in a Changing World
by × May 14, 2018 × 0 comments

2018 Print Edition, Conservation, Wildlife

A silverback surveys his surroundings. [PHOTO CREDIT: Rachel Gulbraa]

A Moment in the Mist

Student researchers come face to face with wildlife in the Rwandan mountains.
by × May 13, 2018 × 0 comments

2018 Print Edition, Place, Politics

"Out for a Stroll" Flashe on Canvas; 14" x 11"[Artwork by Sean Hutton]

Posted & Patrolled

Cultures clash over the course of an afternoon deer hunt in Vermont—and an unlikely bond between strangers takes shape.
by × May 3, 2018 × 0 comments

Conservation, Multimedia, Place, Wildlife

Drought Survivors

Drought Survivors

Through paintings and prose, a writer reflects on the startling resilience she finds in the most unexpected of places.
by × May 2, 2018 × 0 comments

Human Landscape, Public Health, Waste Management

Re-envisioning Waste in the Land of Rivers

Re-envisioning Waste in the Land of Rivers

Innovative, small-scale waste management in Bangladesh.
by × May 1, 2018 × 5 comments

Activism, At Yale, Politics

Local 33 members and other students testifying against the Northern Pass project at the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee hearings. (PHOTO CREDIT: Liz Wyman)

Protecting Our Landscapes in an Era of Corporate Control

Yale alumna, Liz Wyman, speaks out against the controversial Northern Pass project - and her alma mater's decision to lease land enabling its completion.
by × January 28, 2018 × 0 comments