
At Yale, Ecosystems, Forests

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: An Interview with the UN Forum on Forests’ Jan McAlpine

Jan McAlpine is Director of the United Nations Division on Forests and head of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat in support of all 193 countries in the United Nations.  The UNFF works to bring about the conservation, management and sustainable development of all types of forests. This includes a focus on the entire landscape—on people, soils, water, […]

Ecosystems, Oceans

Sage Briefs: Wrong Place, Wrong Clime–Will Marine Sanctuaries Falter as Temperatures Rise?

he golden promise of marine protected areas – ocean swaths set aside for the management of natural and cultural marine resources – may prove empty by mid-century. As global climate warms, so does ocean temperature, forcing species habitats pole-ward. Marine protected areas (MPAs) don’t tail along. Though the United States manages a network of more than 1,600 MPAs, climate change, […]