Archive for December, 2012

Ecosystems, Forests, Indigenous Peoples

When a Tree Falls in the Amazon

When a Tree Falls in the Amazon

Brazil's environmental laws have come a long way since the 1980's. But that doesn't mean the Amazon is well-protected.
by × December 31, 2012 × 2 comments


“We Are All Neighbors with Joined Doors”: Climate Justice and the UNFCCC

“We Are All Neighbors with Joined Doors”: Climate Justice and the UNFCCC

ednesday, December 5th: deep within the bizarre landscape of minarets, oil refineries that stretch out into the sandy horizon, and a wildly ad hoc, opulent, and strangely 1970’s-going-on-the-future skyline, the annual UNFCCC conferencemoves along in its second week. In …

by × December 6, 2012 × 1 comment


The Hunt for Accountability, From Rio to Doha

The Hunt for Accountability, From Rio to Doha

Before I started my graduate studies in August, I was campaigning incessantly with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to drive the Rio+20 Earth Summit process towards real actions and accountability. I am carrying on the same mission to the …

by × December 4, 2012 × 1 comment


Paleo-what?: Introducing the Ancient Climate Record into Modern Negotiations

Paleo-what?: Introducing the Ancient Climate Record into Modern Negotiations

s the COP18 in Doha cranks along into its second week, onlookers follow the proceedings and ponder how the results of continued negotiation will affect them. Frustrated environmental activists bemoan the slow progress made by the UNFCCC over the past …

by × December 3, 2012 × 1 comment


The Lightning of Catatumbo

The Lightning of Catatumbo

It's no secret that the world's corals are threatened by warm, acidic oceans. Are subsistence fishermen part of the problem, or part of the solution?
by × December 3, 2012 × 4 comments


New Zealand’s ultimate “COP Out” of the Kyoto Protocol

New Zealand’s ultimate “COP Out” of the Kyoto Protocol

New Zealand’s government announced in a statement on Nov.9 that it is not in the country’s interests to be “stuck in the Kyoto space for another eight years,” only a few weeks before nations met in Doha for the next …

by × December 1, 2012 × 0 comments