It’s Friday, December 9th – the last day, ostensibly, of the COP17.

Is a new legally-binding instrument between all major emitters to reduce greenhouse gas emissions forthcoming? Will there be agreement to extend the Kyoto Protocol into a second commitment period? Will countries increase their emission reduction ambitions? Most people you ask say no.

There’s a lot of consternation in the halls today, with the early cynics sitting smug outside the locked press room doors. And conspiracy theories abound. The South African leadership’s unwillingness to take a strong hand in these negotiations belies deft back-room negotiations. That high-level meeting started late last night because a secret text was being drafted.

What IS clear is that this conference is not ending today. Now is the time for back-room deals and late-night meetings. Copenhagen negotiators routinely stayed up until 4am on the last days of the COP15 conference. But then again, they thought they were on the verge of creating something big.

For now we wait, all eyes glued to the press briefings (where countries indirectly communicate their intentions and negotiating positions).

In the meantime, here’s some shots from around the COP.
