This post is part of a larger discussion featuring real-time updated conversation, op-eds, news, and more–please follow the SAGE Occupy Wall Street blogstream here.

There is a definite groundswell of interest in Occupy Wall Street here at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (and other schools within Yale), just as it gains increasing momentum and credibility in our country. So, in one of Sage Mag’s first attempts at creating a running dialog on a current issue, we are going to begin covering the movement – both for your benefit and ours.

In doing this, we are proposing that Yale, and the students at F&ES, should look critically at Occupy Wall Street. Wherever students fall on the issue, we believe that F&ES should continue to be an outward looking institution that engages with current affairs.

We hope to provide a few services. We’ll be posting news, stories and opinion pieces from students who have gone to the protest, or have a strong perspective on them. We also hope to provide a forum for discussion between those who both oppose and support the protests.

If you are interested in contributing, please write or to be added as a contributor to post here on SAGE – we have a robust and merry crew already, please join.