Day 2 of the Citizens Summit starts off in a haze, as participants come bright and early to Kroon Hall and its cloudy cover, to begin small group discussions and panels. Today speaks of solutions and practicality. In this globalized world, where we all feel small and helpless in these international negotiations, we try to discuss and agree on what will be helpful for both the short and long-term. Here, in the “Making Environmental and Sustainable Issues Non-Partisan” session, we discuss the political climate.
There is a mix of Democrats and Republications, Progressives and Conservatives. There is argument over Barack Obama, and what he has or has not done for both the environmental and international sustainable movements. However, the point of the discussion is a coming together – a shared belief that despite our political offialiations and agendas, we all agree climate change is here, that development needs to be done sustainably, and we all see the absolute potential in the upcoming Rio+20. We want to be heard. We want to participate. So here we all, are this rainy Sunday at 9am, putting our time and our energy to have a voice. Join the conversation @Citizens_Summit or with the HashTag #CitizensSummit.
Vanessa Lamers