The Yale Daily News has been covering the Occupy New Haven movement in the past week or so… illustrating that #Occupy Movement is very much still a contentious issue here on the Yale campus.

1. The YDN initiation of coverage on October 11th.

2. More recently, a second piece from the Yale Daily News covers the an anti-Occupy movement called Occupy Occupy New Haven, created by Yale College Republicans –

“The Occupy movement possesses an irrational hatred of wealth and seeks the destruction of the U.S. economic system, said Alec Torres ’13, an officer of the Yale Political Union’s Conservative Party.”

Staff reporter Nick Defiesta also gathers student reactions to the tactics of the anti-occupiers:

“Many critics of the Occupy Occupy movement took issue not just with the group’s aims, but also the manner in which they planned to protest. The Occupy Occupy event page initially stated that it would be “protesting the loafing and incoherence of the Occupy New Haven occupiers” while armed with “posters and Febreze.”

“An Oct. 13 survey by Time Magazine found that 54 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of the protests, while 23 percent possess a negative impression. How Yalies will fall on the issue remains to be seen.”

“As of press time, 465 people were listed as attending Occupy New Haven’s event on Facebook and 652 said they would not be attending. Meanwhile, 85 people said they would be attending Occupy Occupy New Haven, while 100 were listed as not attending.”

3. Also from YDN, a video of earlier New Haven action here.

There has been no additional coverage of #Occupy (NYC or New Haven) in the Yale Daily news since October 14th.

*Correction: there is an audio based Op-ed at YDN posted Oct 17th here.