Month: April 2020

Activism, Human Landscape

Poisoned Land, Poisoned Bodies

Angelina stood on the solid, familiar earth and looked up. The cliff extended high into the sky, until the sun broke just over its edge. With trepidation, she lifted one foot off the ground and placed it tenderly onto a rocky surface. She breathed in and out. Leaning her weight forward and onto her toes, she pushed up and away […]

Activism, Conservation, Ecosystems, Out West, Print Edition

Ten Sleep

For an audio version, here is Jesse reading the piece on his Yonder Lies Podcast. On a hot day in the summer of 2018, I woke up to red and blue lights saturating the white dolomite walls that loom over the Ten Sleep Rock Ranch, the new rock climber’s campground in the canyon just upstream of the town of Ten Sleep, Wyoming. I had been […]